Weaver IP LLC included in IAM Patent 1000 2023, The Worlds Top Patent Professionals

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Weaver IP LLC is proud to announce its inclusion in the IAM Patent 1000 2023, “The World’s Top Patent Professionals,” continuing the tradition begun in 2015 by Weaver IP’s predecessor firm. According to IAM (Intellectual Asset Management), “the IAM Patent 1000 is commonly regarded as the definitive ‘go-to’ resource,” and “delivers the most in-depth coverage of the market ever undertaken, pinpointing the best of the best across all areas of patent practice. The listings and editorial provide readers with a truly comprehensive overview of patent services around the world, making the IAM Patent 1000 an essential tool for all IP… Read more »

USPTO Offers Pilot Program to Receive Maintenance Fee Notices By Email

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As posted in a recent United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) notice, the USPTO has recently launched a pilot program allowing maintenance fee reminder and expiration notices to be emailed. To participate in the program, a person must opt in and maintain at least one active email address with the USPTO. In general, for a utility patent, maintenance fees are due to the USPTO at 3.5, 7.5, and 11.5 years after the patent issue date. If the applicable maintenance fee is not paid by the corresponding date (or within six months thereafter along with a surcharge) the patent is… Read more »